Regular member

Regular council members are entitled to full membership privileges. As a Regular Member, you are eligible to hold elected office on the council, vote for elected offices and on matters concerning bylaws, membership, finances, and recommend new members.

All Regular council members are required to volunteer a minimum of eight (8) hours to Selfridge Community Council within the first three (3) years of membership upon request of the current President. All regular members should attend at least six (6) meetings throughout the year or request an excused absence if they are unable to attend. Membership dues are paid annually and are $200 for Regular members.


Benefits of becoming a Regular member include:


  • Eligibility to hold elected office
  • Voting rights for elected office
  • Voting rights for other matters concerning the council
  • Recommend new members
  • Access to Selfridge ANG Base Golf Course

Interested in joining?

  • Must be recommended by a Regular member who is in good standing.
  • Must attend three monthly meetings as a guest of a regular member.

Fill out the inquiry online.


All potential members are required to submit to a background check by Selfridge Air National Guard Base, per U.S. Government rules and regulations

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